My Special Butterfly: A Book To Help Children Understand A Loved One's Life With Lupus
Regular price $11.99
During the month of May, all profit from the sale of this Bracelet will be donated to the Lupus Research Alliance! May is Lupus Awareness Month!
by Kelli Roseta (Author), Hannah Lu (Illustrator), Dr. Lisa Shadburn (Foreword)
This well written & beautifully illustrated book is a great way to help children understand in a kind and loving way the journey of their loved one living with lupus. Written by Lupus Survivor & Advocate Kelli Roseta. The Red Owl will donate 25% of net profits to the More Than Lupus Organization.
“Remember when you had a bad cough and you went to the doctor to make you feel better?" their mommy said. "Mommy has to go to the doctor sometimes too. But, I don’t have a cold. I have something called lupus. It doesn’t make me cough. But it can make me tired and it can also make different parts of my body hurt. Sometimes I even get a rash on my face that is the shape of a butterfly.” "My Special Butterfly" is a book to help children understand a loved one's life with lupus in a way that is easy for them to follow and sensitive to their feelings. It tells the story of two young siblings, Olivia and Jack, and their thought process as they cope with their mommy's sudden lupus symptoms. Written in a way that children will connect with, it breaks down some of the most commonly asked questions about the disease, while focusing on the parent/child connection.